
I think the most beautiful and succinct way of describing the role of a Doula, is that we mother the mother. That means guiding you throughout your birthing journey, and helping you navigate physical and emotional shifts as you move through pregnancy and into postpartum.

I’ll help you steer through the barrage of online information, provide helpful resources and be an ongoing source of dialogue. My aim is to empower you to make birthing choices that align with the goals of you and your loved ones. 

The path to pregnancy and labor looks different for everyone. I believe firmly in meeting you where you are; respecting your place in the world without judgment. 

While pregnancy and birth won’t always go according to our vision, it can still be a positive and transformational experience. I’ll be there as support alongside your extended care team so that you’re able to have a meaningful, intentional birth experience as defined by you.

Doula support

  • We’ll arrange for 2 prenatal meetings, the shape of which will be determined by your specific needs. We’ll discuss birth preferences + options, review labor and delivery procedures as well as discuss your expectations and questions surrounding birth and postpartum. I’ll also explain relaxation techniques, comfort measures and simple exercises that you can do to help ease your labor and delivery. 

  • Labor support begins at home in early labor and then continues at the birth center or hospital. I’ll stay with you after delivery to ease the transition. If desired we’ll use some of this time to help establish body feeding.

  • One 1-2 hour postpartum visit when we'll discuss your birth, address postpartum care needs, and newborn question. This meeting is less formal than prenatal visits - my aim to to offer comfort, whether that means holding baby while you nap, or folding your laundry.  

  • Support via phone, text and email during our time together. 24/7 on-call support for the two weeks leading up to your EDD.

  • I will always have backup support secured for births I take on.

Fee | $900

Additional support

  • Additional prenatal meetings | $30

  • Additional postnatal support meetings | $30